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Converting To Islam

Becoming a Muslim: Understanding the Process

Conversion or Reversion?

The Journey to Islam

Becoming a Muslim is a significant decision that involves a profound spiritual journey. For some individuals, it is a conversion from a different faith, while for others, it is seen as a "reversion" to the religion of their ancestors.

In Islam, there is a belief that all human beings are born with a natural inclination towards monotheism. Therefore, conversion to Islam is often viewed as a return to one's original state. The process of becoming a Muslim is straightforward and requires only the utterance of the "shahada," the declaration of faith:

"I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

Once this declaration is made, a person is considered a Muslim. However, it is important to note that conversion to Islam is not a mere formality but rather the beginning of a lifelong commitment to living in accordance with Islamic principles. New Muslims are encouraged to study the teachings of Islam, perform the five daily prayers, and strive to emulate the life of the Prophet Muhammad.
